Focused Inquiry Essay

A First-Gen Experience with Focused Inquiry and Transitioning to College

"My name is Jamshid Forugh, and I graduated in May 2022 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Sciences. I drafted the following essay during my freshman year to provide a glimpse of the Focused Inquiry (FI) course for the next year’s freshmen. Winning first place in the essay contest, it was published in the FI course’s 2020-2021 edition of the textbook, Space and Place: Focused Inquiry I & II."

"If you are a freshman, this essay is for you. My hope is that it will help you with your transition from high school to college. Starting the college journey is a significant moment for everyone, especially if you are a first-generation student like I am. Coming from a rough background and overcoming adversities to get here, I want you to realize the magnitude of this moment and how you can make the most out of it."

"Now graduated, I still go back and read this essay. It helps me appreciate how far I’ve come. I am thankful for opening the door for every opportunity college had to offer to me over these years. Therefore, I ask you to face your challenges head on and pave the way for others behind you to follow."

Tyler Edge, Class of 2024

Forugh, Jamshid. “What is Focused Inquiry?” Space and Place: Focused Inquiry I & II
2020-2021 edition,
edited by Focused Inquiry Textbook Committee, Hayden-Mcneil,
2019, pp. 9-10.