Tri-Alpha National Honor Society
Alpha Alpha Alpha
Established in 2018, Alpha Alpha Alpha (“Tri-Alpha”) is the national honor society for first-generation college students. In 2021, VCU became the Delta Theta chapter and inducted 251 founding members consisting of students, faculty, and staff. Each fall, during our week-long National First-gen Day celebrations, new members are inducted and recognized for their hard work and the inspiration they provide for their friends, colleagues, family, and community.
Induction Qualifications
Undergraduate students who meet the criteria below will receive an email invitation in September to join. Graduate students will be notified through a posting in the Graduate School’s newsletter. Faculty and staff who are on the You First Faculty and Staff listserv will receive an email notification. If you are not already on the listserv, email to join.
Undergraduate students
- Earned at least 30 credit hours (transfer credit counts)
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.2
- Neither parent, step-parent, nor legal guardian completed a four-year college degree
Graduate students
- Earned at least 9 credit hours
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.5
- Neither parent, step-parent, nor legal guardian completed a four-year college degree
Faculty and Staff
- Meet the requirements above at the time of graduation
- Be willing to mentor first-generation college students
If you would like to join Tri-Alpha and are unsure if you are eligible, contact us at